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We appreciate your interest in gender- and diversity conscious teaching at university.

On the following pages you will find introductory information, practical advice for your classroom, and suggestions for further reading.

We hope you find the reading interesting and the implementation rewarding!

Toolbox Gender and Diversity in Teaching

Angebote der Toolbox

Kostenlose Workshops 

Wir bieten innerhalb der Freien Universität Berlin 2-4stündige Kurzworkshops und Webinare an, die je nach Bedarf individuell konzipiert werden.

Kennenlernen der Toolbox

Sie können uns für individuelle Präsentationen der Toolbox, z.B. in Teamtreffen, Gremiensitzungen oder Veranstaltungen, einladen.

Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden

Zusätzlich zu den Informationen unter Aktuelles und Termine posten wir regelmäßig Veranstaltungshinweise, neue Methoden, Calls und vieles mehr in unserem Toolbox-Blog und verschicken ein- bis zweimal pro Semester einen Toolbox-Newsletter, den Sie per Mail abonnieren können. Sie können uns auch auf Twitter folgen.


Toolbox on Mastodon

<iframe allowfullscreen sandbox="allow-top-navigation allow-scripts" width="400" height="400" src="https://www.mastofeed.com/apiv2/feed?userurl=https%3A%2F%2Fberlin.social%2Fusers%2Ftoolboxgenderunddiversity&theme=light&size=100&header=false&replies=true&boosts=true"></iframe>


Who is the Toolbox meant for?

The Toolbox is a resource for all lecturers and staff members involved in teaching of Freie Universität Berlin and is available for anyone else who is interested.

Developing gender- and diversity competence in teaching is part of a process. No matter your experience level with gender- and diversity-conscious teaching, you are sure to find new information and suggestions here. The Toolbox assists you with planning and designing classes and expanding your own gender and diversity competencies.

How does the Toolbox work?

The Toolbox includes:

- An introductory video on gender and diversity in teaching,
- A starter kit with material on gender- and diversity-conscious language, on how to select and use imagery, and FAQs,
Guidelines and handouts on developing gender and diversity skills,
- Recommendations for the methodological preparation for classes with an extensive methodpool (in German),
Cross-disciplinary and discipline-specific suggestions for integrating gender and diversity research into your teaching and program content,
- A collection of resources including advisory services and continuing education programs (in German).

What do you need to work with the Toolbox?

No background knowledge is required for using the Toolbox; all you will need is curiosity, an open mind, and a bit of time.

The central factor is always your attitude as a lecturer – there is no catch-all solution. You will need to adapt all the suggestions and practical examples to your own specific context. The goal is always to offer good teaching for all students.

To do so, communication and exchange with colleagues from your department and other disciplines – informally as well as in the context of further training and board meetings – is very helpful. Importantly, you also need the support from other university levels. If needs be, make a request jointly with other colleagues more support.

Contact us!

What is useful for you as a university teacher? How else could the Toolbox help you? Comments, ideas or criticism are welcome, so please contact us.

Would you like a quick overview, or do you have questions? Would you like to help us to make the Toolbox known throughout Freie Universität Berlin? If so, we offer in person short presentations of the Toolbox.

Are you looking to use the Toolbox jointly together with colleagues? Do you need to a frame in which to talk about the implementation of gender- and diversity conscious teaching in your department or institute? We offer short workshops tailored to your needs at Freie Universität Berlin.

Dr. Sara-Jane Finlay Part 1

Unconscious bias and its impact on equal opportunities

Link to:  Unabridged Keynote

Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril

(Film in German)

Drei Perspektiven einer rassismuskritischen Auseinandersetzung mit Diversity an der Universität

Link to: Unabridged Keynote

Dr. Sara-Jane Finlay Part 2

Inclusion of Transgender Students as the Responsibility of Institutions of Higher Education

Version April 2018. Unless otherwise stated, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International licence

Toolbox Gender and Diversity in Teaching

A project by the Office of the Chief Gender Equality Officer and the Margherita von Brentano Center of Freie Universität Berlin.
