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Applying and Using Scientific/Academic Findings

  • When developing research questions and designs, have the researchers considered how and whether factors such as gender relations, global poverty and wealth relationships, racism, and ableism affect the research topic? To what extend do research questions reproduce existing gender-based and other inequalities?
  • Is there an assessment of the impact and implications of specific research on the perpetuation or modification of gender relations and other inequalities (such as a technique impact assessment, a legal impact assessment, etc.)? Has future usage been thought through from a gender and diversity perspective and/or explicitly addressed? (Compare the debate over excluding military research from German universities)
  • Are the research results tailored to users’ varying needs? If they are, has the process of doing so avoided reproducing existing stereotypes?
  • Familiarize yourself and your students with accessibility criteria. These are relevant to everything from app programming to urban planning to machine design. Accessible design improves results for a variety of users. You can also analyze the problems and costs created by neglecting accessibility.
  • Gender and Diversity Studies can be employed as a reflective science for analyzing the processes of developing techniques. You can find an example of a teaching and learning concept along these lines for engineering here.


Lucht, Petra. o. J. Usability und Intersektionalitätsforschung – Produktive Dialoge. 37 – 52.